Craniosacral Therapy

What Is Craniosacral Therapy?


Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle manual therapy technique that works with the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) surrounding the central nervous system.  The central nervous system is the body’s communication highway, and when we experience stress or injury it can create restrictions in the membrane surrounding the CSF.  Altering the flow of CSF can impair function in the body’s other systems and contribute to pain, injury and illness.


Using a very light touch, your therapist will assess the movement of the CSF and make subtle adjustments to restore symmetry, flow, and function throughout your body.  This will maximize your body’s ability to access its own innate resources and initiate healing.

Who Can Benefit from CST?


Our nervous system is connected to everything we do and experience, allowing CST to effectively treat a variety of injuries and illnesses.  CST can also enhance function and balance in the autonomic nervous system (ANS).  When the ANS is dominated by the sympathetic “fight or flight” nervous system at rest we can experience increased stress, illness, and injury.  Craniosacral Therapy can activate the parasympathetic “rest and repair” nervous system.  When the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant at rest our bodies have the resources and ability to heal, repair and adapt to the stresses we encounter daily.  This can improve healing time, reduce pain, and improve our ability to handle stress.

CST has been an effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including: 

Muscle and bone injuries

Chronic pain



Stress related pain and disorders

Auto immune disorders

Enhance recovery after workouts

Decrease stress levels

Symptoms that have not responded to other treatments


What Is A CST Session Like?


During your Craniosacral session you’ll lie in a comfortable position on a table.  Your therapist will assess your craniosacral rhythm and treat areas that need attention.  Treatment is typically along the spine and cranial (skull) bones, but can also be on your limbs.

The experience during a CST session is unique to each individual.  Some clients will experience a deep relaxation as the body’s parasympathetic nervous system becomes more dominant.  Others may experience twitching or movement of the limbs as the body releases tension.  Most clients experience a sense of lightness and openness after the session as the reduction in tension and stress allows the body’s innate self-healing system more resources to function as designed.