Coaching Intensive


Take a deep dive into your training with our 12 week Coaching Intensive Program.  During this 12 weeks you’ll receive weekly training file review and feedback via email, a 15 minute weekly check in call, a custom built training program including Online Movement Assessments, weekly video review (a chance to review your exercise form or technique), and feedback on heart rate variability (HRV) and recovery.

The exploration of your recovery is where the Coaching Intensive Program takes a unique turn.  Heart Rate Variability (HRV) gives us a glimpse into your general health and how you’re adapting to your training.  Training is a balance of applying stress (exercise) with adequate recovery so you can improve your strength, speed, and endurance.  However, every life stressor (work, food, environment, relationships, etc) impacts your physiology.  You may be able to perform well on an intense workout one week, but not be able to reproduce that effort during a more stressful period.  Examining your lifestyle factors and understanding your body’s unique signals can help you understand which stressors have the most impact.  And then we can adjust your training and/or habits appropriately.

During the 12 weeks, you’ll learn some embodied meditations to serve as a baseline to start to understand how your body feels in the moment.  Then as those sensations change, you can better understand your body’s responses to sleep habits, work stress, food, and other components of daily life.  We’ll spend 2-3 weeks at a time on each of the primary influences on HRV so you can take a deeper understanding of what has the most impact on your personal health and training adaption with you at the end of the program.

The Coaching Intensive is offered only during specific times of the year.  In your initial journey through the program, we’ll do this during an aerobic base period.

Ready to start?  Check out the details below and contact us to apply for a spot. 

What’s Included Your Coaching Intensive Program?



Custom Training and Strength Program

Custom program based on your training goals, movement assessment, training history, and access to equipment

Video and Audio

Video descriptions for all drills and exercises and audio for guided meditations

Online Movement Assessments

Three online movement assessments with Zoom reviews and strength and meditation program updates


HRV Monitoring

We’ll track your HRV and response to training and stress throughout the program

Custom Embodied Meditations

Guided meditation audios to improve your mind-body connection and awareness


Weekly Communication

You’ll receive weekly training file review and email feedback, adjustments to your program as needed, and a weekly 15 minute call

Easy Access

Access workouts online, via mobile app, and with email reminders


Access to Weekly Classes

Access to all of our online weekly meditation and exercise classes is included in your program

Coaching Intensive Pricing


Start Up Fee $150

The start up fee includes a review of your coaching questionnaire, creation of your ATP, setting up your account, and an initial Zoom or phone call

Monthly Fee $500

The monthly fee includes your custom programs (aerobic, strength, and meditation), Online Movement Assessments, feedback (weekly emails, phone, and video of technique/form), and training file reviews, and Zoom reviews of your Movement Assessments

Contact Us For More Information