Recovery Services


Recovery is the key to growth.  In training, your recovery time is where your body has the space to make the physiological adaptations to your training.  While we definitely need a training stimulus to improve strength and speed, if those sessions are not balanced appropriately with recovery you may not be receiving the full benefit available to you from your training.

Our Recovery Services are unique in that the intention is to help you learn to listen to your body’s inner wisdom.  This is easier to do when we are relaxed, so the intention of the modalities helps to bring about the desired recovery and better adaptation to training.  We feel the intention in learning to listen to your body is incredibly important in other aspects of training as well.  This connection can help you learn when it is best to push through a training session and when to back off.  It can help you to better manage any pre-race jitters and channel that energy into your race.  It helps with discernment and troubleshooting during the event if things don’t go as planned.  And it helps you to discern what is best for you as a person and athlete–an important skill with so much information available online.


Current Recovery Services